Move over PLEASE!
That's right folks. Amazing things are happening at Grace. I stood in the back of our church listening to our worship team singing and just had to stop and thank God for what i was seeing and hearing. As people were coming in they were struggling to find a place to sit, Amen. As i listened i could hear Jesse's voice as he was leading the music, Amen. I saw our newest member of our praise team on drums while Ron (who usually plays drums) enjoying the music from his seat, Amen. I saw hands raised and even heard a little clapping, Amen. I saw smiles on faces and even some tears as people were worshipping together, Amen. As children were dismissed for children's church i saw a 150% increase in attendance in just over a year, Amen. I am so thankful for what God is doing at our church. What a blessing it is to have to move over!