the edge of the swamp
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Some Hairy Stories
Story # 1
For those of you who don't know I can't stand hair. I am not talking about hair that is attached to a person. I am talking about loose hair that somehow finds its way in my food, my mouth, my drink and this past Sunday in my communion cup. Was this hair that I found on Sunday a message from God?
Story # 2
Well now you know that I hate hair. My subconscious also knows this and insists on incorporating loose hair in my dreams. Well, recently I have dreamed that I had a hairy tongue and was trying to lick a loose hair from my dinner plate. No matter how much I tried I couldn't lick that little hair off.
Story # 3
I have a hair that grows on the end of my nose. No matter how many times I pull this hair out it insists on reappearing. I pull. It grows!
Story # 4
They are called mutant hair and they grow at an alarming rate. They are black in color and thick in appearance. Marie (now think really hard you know who I am talking about) once had one of these mutant hairs on her arm and insisted on not pulling it out. It's this behavior that allows them to spread to others. So I blame Marie! Her hair however was neither black nor thick.
Have you ever had a day when you really struggle with writing topics. Well today was one of those days for me.
Friday, November 03, 2006
The No Chip challenge
So for six weeks i will not eat any form of chips. This may sound easy to many of you but i consider chips to be my biggest weakness when it comes to food. I eat them everyday.
Fingerprinted and Released!!!!
For those of you who don't know I was recently required to go to the Kent County Sheriff Department in order to be fingerprinted. No, it's not what you are thinking. I wasn't arrested for not updating my blog, or failing to post any pictures. Can you be arrested for that? Watch out Kaleb! In order to keep teaching I had to go get new "livescan prints," done. This great new technology only took 8 weeks to process. So for awhile there I was not working. I did work for Drew for a week working construction type jobs. That was an awesome blessing. Funds were getting dangerously low. But praise the Lord I am back working in the classroom. Starting Nov 13th I will be working in a 1st grade special ed classroom. It is a unique situation that will be both challenging and rewarding. 9 students, Me and two other adults all in the same room. Should be fun!
AWANA has been greatly blessed by God this year. We have many new clubbers from the community.